Live in Integrity.
Once we have captured a glimpse of our own power, potential and possibility, there is no going back. We are forever changed. Awareness comes with a price. We are no longer permitted to shrink to fit the mold of another or live outside of our integrity without a penalty.
The “unconscious you” is slowly put to rest (realization by realization). If you attempt to live outside of your truth, you are consciously sabotaging yourself. As a result, you will find your life going “awry.” That which you previously found uncomfortable or stressful will amplify. In many cases, it will become almost unbearable. It is as if the universe turns up the volume, screaming, “HEY! THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO GO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF?”
Are you living in integrity? What is your intention for today and the rest of the week? What are some steps that you will take to move you effectively in the direction of the life that you desire? If the voice within you is urging you to wait until tomorrow, remember that tomorrow is never guaranteed. Today is the only day for which we have a guarantee.
Success or sabotage? Each time that you succeed, you flex a permanent muscle. As a result, the moments of self-sabotage become fewer and far between.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Stretch to a vision of personal perfection and watch as it unfolds to influence the conditions of your day.