Live your Vision.
One of the most difficult things about deciding who you want to be is choosing to hold steadfast to your vision without being attached to the results. There are many places that we affect the world without any knowledge of it. If you choose to be loving, for example, you may not always see the results of your love blossom. You may be met with anger, hostility, fear, etc., never knowing or realizing that your love has power (moving through the world in ways you cannot even imagine). Your choices may be a positive influence on society, but, ultimately, you must make the choice that is most aligned with your intention.
Who is it that you want to be? What is it that you want your life to represent? Is there a gap between your highest vision of your life and the one that you are currently living? If so, what will you do to bring your thoughts, words, and actions in alignment with your intentions?
Success or sabotage? If we limit our vision to outward evidence, we may be limiting our power and possibility, forever awaiting the “right conditions.”
Is this going to be an incredible day? Focus on today. Are you living your best life at this moment? If not, what is holding you back? For what are you waiting?