Fight for Truth.
We have created a world where profit often takes priority over people. We surrender our SELVES at the door of the organizations in which we work. We sacrifice our dreams, desires, talents and values to a system that demands our loyalty in order to survive. We complain, argue, moan and whine. We quit. We get fired. We have heart attacks. Yet, we march on to the beat of the drum of another. Is this the beat to which we wish to dance?
It’s time to awaken to the truth and rise to the task at hand. What is the truth for you? Are you modifying the truth of who you are are to fit into a system that you know (deep down) does not work for you? This form of societal surrender contributes to a great ill of society, one that, in the end, may destroy civilization.
Most likely, there are many sound, logical reasons for why you remain in a life that doesn’t work for you. Whatever your feelings, they are valid. Throughout the history of mankind, the status quo has been challenged, overturned and modified by the rebels—those who were willing to stand up to opposing forces and speak their truth in the creation of a better life. In the face of great resistance and heartache,
What do you consider worthy of a fight? Which of your personal beliefs and truths are you willing to fight to maintain? For what are you waiting? Revolution seldom comes with an engraved meditation.
Success or sabotage? Is it unreasonable to fight for what you need to succeed?
Is this going to be an incredible day? What are you willing to do to make it so?