Affirm your Desire.
The page lies blank before you. Rather than allowing it to draw itself, what is it that you wish to create? Begin with your self. So much of your success is a product of your being--who you choose to be at any given moment. Know that "I am" are the two most powerful words on the planet. In these words, lies the truth of your being and the commitment to its unfolding.
Do not affirm that which you do not wish to create. If you have experienced sleeplessness and do not wish to infuse a downward spiral, do not empower your exhaustion by declaring "I am tired." Many of us not only affirm that which we dread, we also provide all of the evidence and reasoning that supports our claim (why it makes sense that we feel bad, etc...). "I am tired because the kids kept me awake, I had to work late, I only had 4 hours of sleep, etc...."
I am not suggesting that you deny your truth. I am suggesting that you need not infuse, season and inject it with more negative energy. Instead, I invite you to focus on that which you deeply desire, knowing that every day holds the seeds of possibility to make it happen. Begin with the consciousness of what you would like to create in this moment. Who are you today? Answer this question with your highest vision for your self and continue to declare it, allowing your actions to support your commitment. You will be amazed at the results.
Success or sabotage? The only saboteur to success is you. get on your own side; you are your own best advocate.
Is this going to be an incredible day? I am certain that it already is!