Design your Life.
Take this opportunity to check-in with yourself. Our lives are the EFFECT that we have CAUSED with our thoughts, words and actions. As co-creators of our experience, we are gifted with the opportunity to design the life that we desire. So, is your life a reflection of your desire? If not, rather than using it as evidence for self criticism, utilize this moment to clarify that which you want to create.
For many, even asking one to clarify their desires is paralyzing. The question seems too broad and open ended. If this rings true for you, approach it from a different perspective. What can you no longer tolerate? What, in your current existence, are the things that you wish to eliminate? Write it all down. Once you have done so, review your list item by item. For each, ask, “if I don’t want this, what DO I want?” Play the opposites! Again, write it down. This will provide you with greater clarity to begin the process.
You may be tempted, but do not stop there. It is a great time to create an action plan. What are three steps that you will take today (however small) to begin to bring those desires to fruition? How will you evaluate your success in this regard?
When you retire for the evening, take some time to envision your life as it will be when it completely aligned with your desires. How will it feel? What does it look like? How are you sharing it with others? If your inner critic begins to question the possibility (as it so often prone to do), simply thank it for its feedback and move on to the next part of your vision.
Success or sabotage? Success is more easily achieve when it is clearly defined.
Is this going to be an incredible day? What do you envision? What are you willing to do to make it so?