Inspire a Shift.
Thoughts have immense creative power. Thoughts create beliefs. Beliefs inspire emotions. Emotions affect actions. Actions dictate outcomes. We are the cause and our life is the effect. If we wish to shift an ineffective paradigm and infuse our existence with newfound abundance, we must examine the story that we are telling about ourselves, our relationship with others, and the world at large. We must extinguish the false notion that we are merely characters in a larger story and assume our position of power: as the author of the story in which we are living.
The time has come to stop apologizing for big ideas, grandiose visions, and the still small voice that demands that you be the exception rather than the rule. Where there is breath, there is possibility. You are still here, so it is not too late. To choose to awaken to a life fully lived (instead of a mediocre existence) is an honorable objective. You deserve a life of fulfillment, satisfaction, excitement, and joy. And the world needs that from you so that we may all benefit. Rather than continuing to hope and pray that you will be the lucky winner in some cosmic lottery, it is time to say “yes” to living a life of clear intention and taking the steps necessary to bring it to fruition.
What is the dream? Often, the challenges and necessities of existence have buried the dream. We are so far removed from it that it is difficult to imagine even indulging such “foolishness.” If we want to awaken the resting muse within, however, we must be willing to invite it to come forward.
Get some paper. Begin writing about “the perfect day.” Set all feelings of lack, limitation, and “reality” aside and indulge the fantasy. In a perfect world, what would that day look like (from the time that you awaken until you retire)? What would you be doing? Who would you be doing it with? Where would you be living? How does it feel to be living it? Be as descriptive as possible. Allow the creative inspiration to flow. Write it in first person, as if it is happening now (as if you are relaying the experience of your day to a friend). Notice the emotions that arise as you allow yourself to be carried away by the fantasy of your desire.
Once you have completed the exercise, read it aloud. What are one or two things from your perfect day that you can incorporate into your life this week? Who would you be if this perfect day was a reality? How can you be more of that now?
In order to create a shift in the paradigm, we must begin by inspiring an energetic shift. Reminding you of the desires that have been resting beneath the surface will stimulate a creative flow. The ability to articulate desires and declare intentions is a powerful way to begin a conscious retelling of your story (ultimately influencing the way that you think and feel about your life).
Success or sabotage? Success is only achievable when it is clearly defined and aligned with your heart’s desire.
Is this going to be an incredible day? The nature of any day rests upon your ability to respond either as the creator of or victim of your experience.