Live your Purpose.
Why are you here? Today, I do not mean why are you reading this or why are you following me? I mean what is your purpose? Many will pause in uncertainty as if they missed the memo that would have undoubtedly instructed them on what they were here to do. While you wait for the instruction, precious time is passing. You are living your life by default, managing what arises, questioning the necessity of unwelcome circumstances and grasping for something to fill the void that you believe once contained some passion and purpose (or did it?).
The reason that you are here today, reading what I am writing, is that you were in need of a healthy reminder. This life is not a dress rehearsal. This day is never coming again. You are not here by accident or coincidence. Your presence on this planet, on this day, at this time is by design. You have a unique skill, gift, talent or being that is needed, right here, right now. You have been called. The question is not about whether you are the right person. You are the perfect person. The question, the ONLY question, is are you going to say "YES" to the life that is awaiting you? Are you going to say "yes" to living larger, brighter, bolder and more aligned with the yearning of your soul? Are you going to allow the inner voice of your skeptic, devil, ego to tempt you into inaction by telling you "not today," "not now," "not you"? Will you allow yourself to be carried down the black hole of uncertainty and perfectionism by awaiting greater clarity by wanting to be right instead of being effective? If you are awaiting a sign, this is it. God, your higher self, your intuition, your soul, your essence all speak in the same language. This is not the first time that you have heard this invitation. This is not the first time that you have wanted to say "yes," but have instead surrendered to "not now." This, however, is one of the last times that you may receive the message with such clarity that your soul stirs--silently screaming from a place of incredible unrest that today is the day. It is your day to decide. Who do you want to be? How do you want to walk on this planet? How do you wish to be remembered? How will you shine your light in a darkness that can only be illuminated by the gift that is yours to offer? If not you; then who? If not now, then when?
Success or sabotage? Success has always been yours for the taking. When you realize that in combination with the fact your definition of success is all your own, sabotage is no longer a possibility.
Is this going to be an incredible day? With every day, there is a seed of is not outside of you. It is you. It is waiting for you to allow it to come forth.
If you are feeling lost or disconnected from that which is yours to do on this planet, please know that I am here for you. That is my purpose (not because I am the man with the answers, but because I am the one with the questions. I have the skills, talents, expertise, and methodologies to remind you of that which (at some level) you already know. If you feel called to do so, contact me. I will help you.