Examine your Habits.
Habits are an intricate part of our daily lives. They can make life easier, or they can be detrimental to our overall well-being. Although habits may seem like conscious decisions, most of them are actually unconscious and are formed without us even realizing it. It is important for us to become more mindful and aware of our habits so that we may use them to our advantage instead of having them work against us.
Our habits stem from the choices that we make on a daily basis and how often those choices become patterns in our lives. Habitual behaviors can range from simple tasks such as brushing your teeth after meals or checking emails first thing in the morning, to larger commitments like going for a run every day or taking time off once a week for yourself.
What are your habits? Are they leading you to greater success or joy or are they obstructing your path? When you choose to build physical muscle, you may lift weights. It is an uncomfortable exercise (downright painful at times!), but it results in stronger muscle tissue. The same principle can be utilized for success conditioning. What can you do to better condition yourself for success? What are the muscles that you need to build to live a more effective life?
Success or sabotage? In order to create greater success, you have to know what it looks like and be serious in your pursuit. Are you willing to surrender ineffective habits to meet your goals?
Is this going to be an incredible day? What habits can you develop to seize every opportunity and appreciate every day?