Open to Possibility.
There are moments of doubt that can elicit so much fear that it is potentially paralyzing. You come to believe, in some way, that you are doing what you need to do. You have chosen your profession, interests, friends, lifestyle, and residence based on a belief (at some level) that you are doing what you need to do. What if you are wrong? Are you willing to consider the possibility?
What if you have been climbing the ladder your entire life only to find that it's against the wrong wall?
This is not to say that your choices have been bad. They may be necessary and integral to getting you to where you will best serve yourself and the world. What if you are traveling the "right path" but have miscalculated the destination? Sometimes it is easy to conclude by virtue of your intelligence, talents and the opinions of those around you that you know where you are going. Your sense of conviction can actually become a limitation--preventing you from being open to your full power and possibility.
I invite you to face today and the remainder of the week with a blank page. Be clear about your intention but remain open to ANY manifestation of results.
Success or sabotage? Some of the greatest success stories come as a complete surprise; clarity of intention and fixed execution are not always good partners.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you willing to move "your ladder" against another wall to make it so?