Review your Life.
There are moments in our lives when we experience turmoil--unwelcome, unexpected turbulence on the journey toward our goal. The temptation to which many of us fall victim is to confuse the moment with our life. If we are able to remember that it is simply a moment in time--a pothole on a much larger road--then, we are able to use the challenge as an opportunity to exercise our power. Who am I? How is who I am reflected in my response to this circumstance? How will I use this obstacle as an opportunity to more effectively navigate the path going forward?
Reflect on your life. Some of the brightest moments emerged from seemingly daunting circumstances. You are who you are, in large part, because of your ability to endure and overcome those experiences. When you are able to review those chapters of your life with a clear vision, you can accept the gift that may have been cleverly disguised. You are able to see that there is an inherent perfection in the design of your life (even though it may not feel that way at the time).
Success or sabotage? You do not have to wait until you have overcome an obstacle to receive its gifts. When you face the unexpected, direct your attention to the belief that there is a gift in the midst of the discomfort. You will overcome this obstacle and emerge with greater strength and insight than you had before.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Direct your attention to all of the good that is present within your life at this moment and look with expectancy toward the good that continues to flow into your experience.