Examine the Core.
You are not your experiences. Yet, if you take the time to truly examine the core of the challenges that you have experienced, you will find that you have most likely confused what was happening with your identity. As long as you continue to seek fulfillment through experiences, you are doomed to feelings of disconnection and lack.
Your experiences are the effect of being and doing. Most of us are conditioned in our being and unconscious in our doing. The key to success begins with the being--who do you want to be? Everything else is the effect of this intention (or cause). If you focus on who you are in relation to your experiences, you will find that your life will begin to transform. This conscious intention will enable you to find the wealth of opportunity in all situations. The results will awaken your inner wisdom, creativity and your innate abilities to connect.
Success or sabotage? First, define how the picture of success appears with you in it. Who are you in relation to what you have accomplished?
Is this going to be an incredible day? For those tapped into the keys to success, the answer is always the same.