Stop and Listen.
Listen. No, REALLY listen. The universe that surrounds us will teach us everything that we need to know if we take the time to stop, look and listen to its wisdom. We fill our world so full of noise--television, radio, music, podcasts, telephone conversations--that we must discipline ourselves to be still. How can we listen to our inner-voice if we don't take the time to be quiet enough to hear its counsel?
Exercise the power of active listening today (both to yourself and others). When you are engaged in conversation, notice how often your thoughts move beyond the conversation and on to the next thing that you wish to say. Attempt to minimize your words; become comfortable with the silence. Spend at least ten minutes today in silent meditation. What is the wisdom of your heart? What is your soul trying to tell you?
Success or sabotage? Success is accelerated with silent surrender.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Take the time to listen to the wisdom that surround you.