Commit to Success.
Are you committed to making your life successful? Do you step into each day with your entire being or do you leave some of yourself in bed or in storage for another time?
When we take the time to examine our lives (and the lives of those around us), we often act as if we will always have the luxury of unlimited time on this planet. We know that our life is a privilege that will eventually come to an end, but we fail to live accordingly. Every moment we are given the opportunity to “seize the day,” yet, we continue with life as usual (even when it is not completely enjoyable to do so).
With breath, there is opportunity. Today, we can change the course of our existence. We can choose to make our lives more effective at this very moment. We can say “yes” to something bigger, better and more aligned with our deepest desires.
Are you committed to a full and satisfying life? What is the thing that you have been denying yourself? Take a step (or three!) to bring it to fruition. Notice how you feel more empowered with each focused action.
Success or sabotage? Success is defined and lived by each of us. Sabotage only shows up when it is invited.
Is this going to be an incredible day? What is the depth of your commitment? Are your thoughts, words and actions aligned with that intention?