Examine your Choices.
Once we make the choice about what we want in your life, the universe hears and responds. It is as simple as that. We may question the validity of this principle when we look at your lives and conclude that it is no way visibly aligned with our expressed desires and prayers. If we examine our thoughts and words, however, we will undoubtedly see that somewhere along the way, we have either “cancelled the order” (by indulging or expressing thoughts of doubt and disbelief) or directed more attention to that which we do NOT want instead of that which we DO want.
Albeit an unconscious obstacle, sometimes we are simply afraid. We may feel undeserving. The luxury of a fulfilling life might seem like a gift only reserved for special people (and not us). We may also be fearful that the dream that we hold so dear will not actually be as fulfilling as we expect. So, rather than risking that possibility (which would create serious upheaval by forcing us to question everything that we have ever believed), we simply keep it comfortably at bay.
It is time to awaken to the truth. ENOUGH, ALREADY! You have suffered enough. It is time to get on with your real job, which is doing that which you were born to do. Your living below your potential does not serve you or the world.
Today, take some time to examine your choices. What do you really want? If the question is too big for you to digest in terms of your life in total, limit yourself to the week that stands before you. What do you really want THIS WEEK? Ask and you shall receive! Focus your thoughts, words and actions on the expectation of receiving that which you desire. Resist placing limitations on how, where and when it will arrive. Do that which is in your power to move, day by day, toward bringing that desire to fruition (however small the actions). Make room for the miracle and allow yourself to be surprised by the gifts that emerge.
Success or sabotage? Success is unfolding EVERYday by your own definition. Examine your definition and notice how it is actually showing up in your life on a daily basis.
Is this going to be an incredible day? If it is indeed your desire (and you focus your thoughts, words, actions and expectations accordingly), you shall have it!