Shake things Up.
Get out of your head and into your life. That temptation to resist, delay, obstruct, avoid and remain tethered to your seemingly comfortable existence is not your friend. We both know that you have had a yearning that you have ignored. Your reasons were sound, logical, reasonable and understandable by anyone in your position, so you said "no." You shut that inspiration down in its tracks and the immediate escape from the anxiety of the unknown did not extinguish the discomfort in your gut indicating that you may have just hung up on your true calling.
You're not getting out of this place alive. The day will come when the breath that you so effortlessly took for granted will no longer be available. Today, while you still have it, step out of the box of your routine and shake things up. Remember what it is to LIVE again. It is time to say "yes" to the adventure of that deep desire that (for you) remains unexplored. When the voice of doubt sings an all too familiar chorus, hear it, but don't listen. That voice is not your friend. The only thing that it is protecting you from is the alien sense of exhilaration that is experienced when you fly free of that burdensome net.
Success or sabotage? If you do not act on an inclination within 5 seconds of your inspiration, it is unlikely that you will act at all. This is the moment for you to seize your opportunity. If you have been awaiting an invitation, this is it. What step will you take TODAY toward the creation of that which you truly desire.
Is this going to be an incredible day? The day has always been incredible; it has simply been waiting for you to catch-up.