Answer the Call.
Why are you doing what you’re doing? It is no longer surprising how many of us can no longer succinctly answer this question. Life is busy and filled with competing priorities; if we are not disciplined and focused on our personal strategy for living, we can easily lose our way. We are either living by design or by default. In order to live consciously, we must continually examine our goals/objectives to evaluate whether our actions are clearly aligned with our intentions.
If we find the question (“why?”) too overwhelming, we may begin by injecting a little clarity into our existence. On the left side of a piece of paper, make a list of the things that you can no longer tolerate. What is it that you no longer want? Once that is completed, go back to the beginning of your list and (in a second column) for each line item, state what you would like to have instead. “If I don’t want this, what do I want?” This process will begin to awaken your consciousness by reminding you of the most basic of your soul’s desires.
Most of us realize that life is short. To sacrifice the potential of a life well lived for a day-to-day existence is a self-induced punishment that none of us fully deserves. It is time for all of us to answer the call to a life of purpose, satisfaction, fulfillment and joy. The world needs us to show up with all that we have to offer. The time is now. The day is today.
Success or sabotage? Success is individually defined. Clarity is only unleashed when we have the courage and discipline to ask and answer the questions that await us.
Is this going to be an incredibly day? When we begin to align our actions with our purpose, each day is filled and overflowing with jaw-dropping potential that cannot be anything but incredible.