Direct your Attention.
It is not what happens to you; it's how you respond to what happens that dictates the condition that is your life. When you dwell on the negative, on that which you do NOT want, you will produce more unwanted circumstances.
No one is suggesting that you ignore what is happening or your feelings about it. Acknowledge the circumstances and your disappointment, fears, anger, etc. Then, direct your attention toward that which you desire. "I am so sad that I didn't get the job and I am choosing to believe that a better opportunity is around the corner."
If you want to transform your life, you must be willing to change your behavior and eliminate ineffective habits. With every thought and word, you are placing an order. For what are you asking? Be certain that your thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with what you want (rather than that which you do not want).
Success or sabotage? Your life is effect that you have caused with your thoughts, words and actions. If you hunger for greater success, be certain that is clearly defined and that you are directing your time, energy, and attention toward bringing it to fruition.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Focus on that which is good, positive and abundant and watch it multiply.