Live your Truth.
The greatest truths are so simple that they are often rejected by our analytical minds. Since our lives are often filled with trials and turmoil, we often feel that there must be something of a deep mystical nature at work in order to warrant such personal drama.
When one gains wisdom and insight, the paradox is that what was once considered complex and intangible is now digestible and not worthy of explanation. The truth rejects the vocabulary of our language and simply "is." We can often live it, but can never explain it. Isn't that why scientists have been trying to prove/disprove the existence of God for over a centuries?
What do you know is true for you? Do you think it requires explanation? If so, for whom are you devising this explanation? What if (instead) you simply lived your truth and allowed it to live through you?
Success or sabotage? How much of your energy is spent trying to defend, prove or minimize what you know with simple human expression?
Is this going to be an incredible day? The answer is simple and it belongs to you.