Make it Good.
Many of us have fallen into the habit of labeling a day as good or bad, based on our preconception of how things "should" unfold. When things do not go as we had planned, hoped or envisioned, we often have a tendency to conclude that it was a "bad day." When this occurs, it is an indication that we have been provided with an opportunity to take full responsibility for the creation that is our life and how we choose to respond to the unpredictable variables of existence.
Our experience of life is, in large part, a result of the story that we tell ourselves (and others). We either believe that the universe is an impersonal force with laws that (when effectively maneuvered) can guide, nourish or expedite our success or that we are simply unwilling, powerless pawns in an unsympathetic world. Where you fall on the spectrum of belief will influence the way that you respond to the events of the day.
Before you can fairly conclude whether a day is "good" or "bad," you must clearly define what constitutes a "good" day (and how you will measure it). When is a day "bad"? Is it simply when things do not go as you had hoped or expected or is it a matter of your how you feel on that day? If you are going to set yourself up to succeed, you have to define the metric. Otherwise, you are surrendering your power and responsibility and pretending that you are essentially powerless in your response to your life.
Know what you intend to create and how you intend to create it.
Success or sabotage? Success is reserved for those who take the time to define it (realizing that any strategies designed to achieve it will need to be refined, modified and reassessed from time to time).
Is this going to be an incredible day? Do you see unexpected challenges as obstacles or opportunities? Are you able to embrace the gift in all circumstances?