Find your Motivation.
Sometimes I think that if I am forced to write another one of these blog entries, I may scream. I often think there is no point. I cannot really tell people something that they don't already know. Then, I must remind myself of the intent. It is not meant to motivate others; I don't think that is humanly possible. It is intended to inspire others to find what motivates them to succeed (whatever that means to them).
As an actor, when one is learning different techniques for connecting, one will undoubtedly stumble upon "sensory recall." This is the <ridiculous, psychologically dangerous, amateurish> method where you recall a memory in your own life that will elicit the appropriate emotion for a scene. Yes, this is where you remember when your dog Skippy died as a means of creating reality for an audience. This is soon found to be an ineffective approach for most. Aside from the blatant disrespect for your own psychological history, you risk losing the emotion by overplaying the memory. You can only remember Skippy's death so many times before you dry up.
The same is true for what motivates you to achieve success in your life. You change. The world changes. Therefore, that which motivates and inspires you will change as well (in addition to your definition of "success").
What motivates you today? How can you use it to ensure your success this week?
Success or sabotage? What does "success" mean for you today?
Is this going to be an incredible day? No one can motivate you, but YOU.