Cherish your Life.
As you awaken to face another day of routine tasks, obligations and responsibilities, take a moment to cherish the gift of the life that you are living. What are the possibilities begging to be born? What are the callings that you have not yet answered. The balance between living and existence is delicate. Are you willing to cross the bridge for the purposes of evoking your passions?
Do not fool yourself in believing that the secrets to happiness are complex, time-consuming or out of your reach. This simply perpetuates a paradigm that may not ultimately serve you. Schedule some time for self-reflection today. Take a few minutes (simply a few will be sufficient) to go within. This need not be ceremonial, religious or grandiose. Spend five minutes with your eyes closed, focusing on your breath. If this seems to mystical or boring, consider writing a five minute journal entry of your thoughts. If you are resistant in putting pen to paper, take a walk purely for purposes of exploration. Set the intention to see things through different eyes, as if you are seeing them for the first time. What do you notice?
Success or sabotage? Success begins with a choice; once you choose life over existence, your life will never be the same.
Is this going to be an incredible day? The secret is that every day will be as incredible as you allow it to be.