Focus on Solutions.
Recently, I received an invitation to an "anti-Trump" rally. Although I deeply appreciate the sentiment, passion and intentions of the organizers (there, I said it!), I explained that I no longer attend demonstrations, movements or meetings that are AGAINST anything. For me, our energy is a precious commodity (our most valuable asset). I choose to focus my energy on the creation that I desire rather than the elimination of any force, policy or movement.
To focus on that which we consider to be negative is easy. It does not require one to think, act or meet the challenges of difference that exist in our world. If we are truly interested in transformation in the world and in our lives, we must be willing to do the work necessary to produce solutions rather than arguments. For me, this is true in world politics and in our personal lives.
Today, I invite you to be an instrument of solutions. When you meet conflict with your self and others, open your heart and mind to the opportunities that stand before you. How will you create a peaceful resolution in this situation?
Success or sabotage? Is success for you about being "right" or being effective?
Is this going to be an incredible day? If you are willing to meet the opportunities that surround you with an open heart, you will find joy in the day that would have otherwise remained hidden.