Ask Mark Ward

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Analyze your Intentions.

We've all been there - setting an ambitious goal and then fixating on a specific means of achieving it, blinding ourselves to other potential paths forward. In our minds, the method becomes the goal itself rather than simply one possible avenue for getting us where we ultimately want to go. 

This conflation of means and ends can lead to wasted effort, suboptimal results, and a loss of perspective on what really matters. It causes us to become overly attached to a particular approach, narrowing our field of vision and making us inflexible. Rather than objectively evaluating the pros and cons of various strategies, we get locked into a certain mindset and stubbornly stick to it, even when the evidence suggests a pivot may be wise.

A classic example in today's social media-driven world is aspiring for a huge follower count as a goal in itself, rather than seeing it as merely one potential means to a different end. Getting one million followers on Instagram or YouTube may seem like the paramount achievement, a badge of credibility and influence. But unless you take a step back and examine why you want that many followers in the first place, you may be working towards an arbitrary and unsatisfying destination.

Is your goal to land sponsorships and paid promotions from brands eager to leverage your massive reach? To make money directly from your content by converting a fraction of those followers into paying customers or subscribers? To gain notoriety and social clout that can then be converted into other opportunities? Or is the huge follower count an end unto itself, a metric to be optimized simply because we've been conditioned to view it as the ultimate sign of online success?

By mistaking the means for the end, we blind ourselves to other viable paths that could get us to the same place - or an even better place. Perhaps we could land lucrative sponsorships or monetize our content with a smaller, hyper-engaged following. Or maybe getting featured on a few major media outlets or going viral several times would give us a similar level of reach and notoriety through different means. If we get fixated on one particular means like a million followers, we fail to creatively explore other, possibly more efficient or effective paths to our true desired outcome.

This tendency to confuse means and ends doesn't only apply to the shallow world of chasing internet fame and fortune. It can happen in any domain when we set lofty goals but then become overly prescriptive about how we're going to achieve them. Want to get in great shape? We may zero in on a specific workout regimen or diet plan when a completely different approach may actually be better suited to our lifestyle and preferences. Hoping to be a successful entrepreneur? We may fixate on a particular business idea or funding path while other models get overlooked.  

The solution is to always be clear about our true underlying objectives and motivations when setting goals. We need to ask ourselves: What is the essence of what I'm really trying to accomplish? What fundamental itch am I trying to scratch? Once we have clarity around our actual desired ends, we can hold our means for achieving them more loosely. We can objectively evaluate multiple potential paths, picking the one that is most promising or appealing based on our unique situation, rather than getting blinded by a single approach.

Let's go back to the example of building a huge social media following. If your fundamental desire is to generate income from your content creation efforts, a big follower number may or may not be the optimal means for getting there. It could give you the reach and attention to attract brand deals and sponsorships, but perhaps even stronger would be cultivating a smaller but rabidly loyal fan base that vigorously supports you through channel subscriptions, Patreon, or other direct-to-consumer monetization channels. Or maybe the best means is going incredibly niche with a smaller but highly engaged audience clustered around a specific topic or vertical where you can charge premium rates for your expertise.

On the other hand, if your core goal really is notoriety and social influence for its own sake, then going for a massive, mainstream following could make more sense as a means to that particular end. But if you are clear that your underlying aim has more to do with generating income or profiting from your creativity, you may end up taking a completely different and more fruitful approach than mindlessly chasing a million followers.

The key is separating what we genuinely want to accomplish from the habits, assumptions, and status signals our culture has taught us to pursue. Having one million Instagram followers has become such a monolithic symbol of success that it can be easy to slip into treating it as the destination rather than a possible but uncertain pathway to something deeper.

So whenever we set an ambitious goal for ourselves, we need to take a step back and analyze our true intentions. What is the fundamental itch we are trying to scratch? Once we have clarity around our actual desired ends, we can begin to objectively evaluate multiple potential means without getting prematurely stuck on or blinded by any one of them.  Whether it's having a certain number of social media followers, lifting a specific amount of weight, or achieving a particular revenue number for our business, always view those as possible means to an end, not the end itself.

Success or sabotage? The path is not the destination. Stay focused on the destination, and adjust the path as needed - avoiding the trap of mistaking the means for the end.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What does an “incredible day” look like for you?