Ask Mark Ward

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Prioritize your Joy.

If we yearn for more joy in our lives, it's essential to recognize that it will not simply materialize on its own. Joy requires deliberate cultivation, a conscious effort to prioritize it amidst life's challenges. Rather than allowing external conditions to dictate its presence, we must actively create the space for joy to flourish. It begins with a mindset of radical appreciation, opening the door to gratitude and ultimately leading us to experience true joy.

What brings you joy? What fills your heart with gratitude? Take a moment to reflect and make a list, starting with the immediate surroundings. Declare your appreciation aloud, acknowledging the things within your line of sight – whether it's your cozy couch, loyal pet, or the comforting warmth of your home. As you delve deeper into appreciation, notice how your mood begins to lift, elevating your entire being.

Next, engage in activities that ignite your joy. It could be as simple as playing with a pet, indulging in creative pursuits like painting or dancing, or belting out your favorite tunes in the comfort of your own home. Step outside of your comfort zone and explore new sources of appreciation. Try a different lunch spot, indulge in dessert before your main course, or take a scenic route home – each small deviation from routine opens up new avenues for joy.

Extend your joy to others by spreading kindness and positivity. Compliment strangers, perform random acts of kindness, and embrace opportunities to connect with the world around you. By stepping outside our routines and embracing new experiences, we uncover a wealth of joy waiting to be discovered.

Prioritizing joy is not passive – it's an active choice. When we reframe our mindset and reclaim our power as co-creators of our lives, we set the stage for joy to thrive. 

Success or sabotage? Is a life absent joy a success worth living?

Is this going to be an incredible mind? Embrace your joy wholeheartedly, and allow it to illuminate your path to a fuller, vibrant life.