Ask Mark Ward

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Shift your Perspective.

Picture this: it is Monday morning, the alarm rudely interrupts your deep, peaceful sleep, and you stub your toe while you’re dragging yourself out of bed. You cut yourself shaving and when getting dressed, you discover you have somehow spilled some coffee on your white shirt. While driving to work, you realize you have to stop to get gas. The traffic is also heavy, so you are late to work. You decided when you stubbed your toe, and the subsequent mishaps have validated your initial assumption—this is going to be a ‘bad’ day.  

We have all been there. Things are not going as we had hoped, so, we conclude that we must be out of alignment with the universe. We surrender to the notion that it’s going to be a miserable day. And, guess what? Without fail, the rest of the day meets our expectations. Everything that could go wrong goes wrong. The only gift in the experience is that we get to be correct in our assumptions. “I said that it was going to be a bad day and it was!”

Some days seem to radiate with sunshine, where everything seems to unfold in our favor. Other days feel like a never-ending storm where we can almost envision the black cloud that remains over our heads wherever we go. We could swear that the universe is conspiring against us. The difference in our experience is not solely in the external circumstances, it is in our minds.

As Shakespeare famously reminded us: A day is neither good nor bad. It is our thinking that makes it so. Our perception and attitude toward our circumstances are where our power lies. Remember, it is never about the circumstances; it is about our response to the circumstances. The choice we make in the face of an unexpected, unwelcome challenge has everything to do with the way our experience of the day will unfold as we move forward.

Let’s revisit that dreaded Monday morning scenario. What if, instead of cursing the day when we stubbed our toe, we stopped, took a breath, and were grateful we have feet? What if, when we cut ourselves shaving, we stopped to appreciate that we have such sharp efficient razor blades? What if, when discovering the coffee stain on our white shirt, we decided that we were being invited to wear a shirt with more color? Instead of cursing the fact that we must get gas and endure heavy traffic, what if we took it as an opportunity to catch up on our favorite podcast or audiobook?

When we shift our perspective from one of negativity to positivity, magic happens. When we use our innate power and choose to reframe our unwelcome circumstances, the day is no longer bleak; it is infused with possibility and potential. It is not about the day that stands before us; it is about embracing the day and all its potential for good instead of surrendering to an expectation of doom and gloom.

When we believe that everything is working in our favor, it usually does. When we expect good, we tend to receive more good. Life meets our expectations. Our faith directed toward a positive or negative experience is an order we place with the universe. We are energetic beings incessantly emitting vibrations. The level of vibration in which we choose to invest dictates our experience. Like attracts like. It is the Law of Attraction.

When we adopt a mindset of abundance and gratitude, we align ourselves with the infinite possibilities of the universe. We become magnets for positivity, drawing in opportunities, connections, and experiences that mirror our mindset. The gift is that we can reframe, recalibrate, and re-anchor at any moment.

Success or sabotage? What are you expecting? If you do not expect success, it is unlikely that you will achieve it.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Greet the day with open arms, knowing it is a blank page of pure possibility awaiting your decision.