Ask Mark Ward

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Clarify your Vision.

I never cease to be amazed by the power of a personal vision. Once we are clear—very clear—about what we want, it seems that the universe rises to support us in every capacity. Suddenly, we find books, conversations, connections, circumstances, people, and events that seem to magically appear to provide us with the assistance that we need.

Many live their lives believing that the world is against them. And, they’re right. If we have a strong belief, we will find the evidence to substantiate our claim. Some believe that the world is full of love, support, and miracles. They are also correct. Despite having a very different worldview, they will also continue to see and experience the evidence that supports their view.

Think about what you want. What is the question that is tugging at your soul? Articulate that question and ask it each morning as you arise, expecting that the answer is on the way. Keep your eyes and ears open and allow the magic of the universe to unfold!

Success or sabotage? Success begins with clarity. Sabotage is often the result of not taking the time/effort to be clear about that which we desire.

Is this going to be an incredible day? If we remain clear about the beauty and potential that surrounds us at every moment, how could it be anything but incredible?