Ask Mark Ward

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Clarify your Intentions.

Science has proven that for every action there is a reaction (cause and effect). We must remind ourselves that we are not the exception to the rules and construction of the universe. This means that we matter, more than we will ever possibly know.

You are an integral part of the universe in ways that you do not necessarily see daily. If you ceased to exist, the universe would be forever changed in its unfolding. It’s an astounding thought! It’s invigorating, but the responsibility that accompanies that truth can be overwhelming.

If we wish to embrace our responsibility to our role in the world at large, we must do the work necessary to be clear about our intentions and what it is that we wish to create. This is centered around several questions that need to be revisited intermittently throughout our lives (since we all grow and evolve). They are provocative questions that will require some thought, but they are always worthy of exploration. Who do you want to be? What is your intention for your life on this planet? How will you evaluate your success in that regard? How will you overcome the challenges and obstacles that seem to impede your success?

Success or sabotage? Success is the result of clearly defined intentions. It is much easier to reach goals when they have been clearly defined!

Is this going to be an incredible day? Be clear about what you want without becoming rigid or too attached to its unfolding. Let go of your expectations and simply allow the magic of the day to happen.