Ask Mark Ward

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Embrace your Success.

Success is a word that carries a great deal of weight for each of us. We all have our own definition, encompassing our dreams, aspirations, and achievements. Of the many challenges that we may face, there is one adversary that often quietly hinders our progress and dims the glow of our potential: the fear of success.

Fear of failure often steals the spotlight in personal development discussions, but the fear of success is much more common than one might expect. 

What exactly is at the root of this fear? It usually stems from a multitude of factors that are deeply ingrained in our psyche. One of the primary culprits is the fear of the unknown. The pursuit of success requires the exploration of unfamiliar territories, new challenges, and heightened expectations. Stepping into the unknown can be daunting, triggering our instinctual fear response to seek safety and comfort in the familiar.

The fear of success is often intertwined with feelings of unworthiness. We question whether we truly deserve the success that awaits us. Often, we doubt the validity of our accomplishments and fear that we might be exposed as frauds. This only magnifies our feelings of inadequacy. Despite the clear evidence of our accomplishments, external validation and accolades, our internal dialogue will continue to tell us that we are not “good enough.” 

Our fear of success may also stem from a fear of change. Most of us are not fond of change and success inevitably creates necessary shifts in our lives—be it in our routines, relationships, or responsibilities. Sometimes the prospect of leaving the familiar behind to venture into unchartered territory triggers anxiety and resistance, inspiring us to remain in our comfort zone.

There is another unconscious fear at play as well. What if we achieve the goals to which we have aspired and fulfill our dreams only to discover that it is not what we thought it would be? What if that dream that we have held for so long is not the solution to our longing? If it has been a long held aspiration of ours, finding out that we were misguided potentially puts our entire view of reality in question. If we are wrong about that, what other misperceptions are we carrying? Are our entire lives a lie? So, rather than finding out, we will get close to our goal, but will never cross the finish line. Sometimes we prefer the fantasy of the dream over the reality of achieving it.

How do we manage these fears and liberate ourselves from their grip? The first step is to acknowledge that it exists. We cannot get beyond what we refuse to acknowledge. Like an unwanted and uninvited guest at a dinner party, the fear of success thrives in the shadows of denial. By shining the light in the dark place, we can reclaim our power to address these fears head-on.

We also need to challenge our limiting beliefs. What does our inner dialogue say about success? Are our narratives rooted in reality, or are they simply figments of our fear? When we reframe our perspectives and replace our self-doubt with self-compassion, we can pave the way for a more empowering relationship with success.

In addition, it is important to build our resilience to effectively manage our fears.  With practice, we can learn to embrace challenges, obstacles, and setbacks as opportunities for growth instead of indicators of failure. It is not about avoiding challenges; it is about developing the resilience to navigate them with grace and determination.

We must also be clear about our definition of success. Many equate success with external achievements and accolades, but it is essential to carve out a definition that aligns with our values, passions, and aspirations. When we shift our focus from external validation to internal fulfillment, we liberate ourselves from the suffocating pressure to always strive for more.

There is no reason for us to be ashamed.  Fears are part of the human experience. We can share our fears and vulnerabilities openly, knowing that we are not alone in our struggles. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness; it is a testament to our humanity. There is greater strength in numbers. We can build and surround ourselves with a community of mentors, peers, and loved ones who will uplift, inspire, and support us on our journey toward success.

Success or sabotage? When we embrace the discomfort of growth, we discover that success is on the side, awaiting our arrival.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Fear may lurk in the shadows, but it does not need to dictate the course of our day. Acknowledge it, challenge it, and move through it. We can step into our full potential and embrace the infinite possibilities that await us.