Ask Mark Ward

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Create your Experience.

When you subscribe to a belief that others control your destiny, you surrender your power and allow fear to manage your life. Your thoughts are the rulers of your experience. No one has more power than you to create your experience. Be mindful not to get caught in the validation of your emotions. If you feel it, it is valid. If you are not pleased with how you feel, if it is not the ideal, then exert your energy on how you are going to move beyond it. If you are going to invest in the assumption of what might be, invest in the one that serves you rather than fearfully submitting to the negative story.

How are you showing up in the world? How do you carry yourself as you leave your home every day? What words do you use when you speak with others? Are you owning all of your gifts, talents, and choices or are you investing in a victim consciousness where outside circumstances and people manage your destiny?

Success or sabotage? You own your success--it cannot be stolen by anyone or anything.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Who are you and how are you responding to the circumstances in which you find yourself?