Ask Mark Ward

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Uncover your Calling.

There are moments when you may have felt a tug deep within, a persistent whisper urging you towards a certain path or purpose. There is a sense that you are completely in sync with what you are doing as if you are Divinely guided and the universe itself is guiding you in a specific direction. This is often referred to as a “calling.” It is an inner resonance with something greater, a purpose that transcends the ordinary. 

Callings are not always loud or even clear. They do not always come with flashing neon signs or are accompanied by a manual with step-by-step instructions. Instead, they often emerge subtly, a still small voice in quiet moments of reflection or during times of upheaval and uncertainty. Sometimes, it is a gentle nudge; other times, it comes crashing into our lives like a tidal wave, demanding immediate attention and obedience.

The journey to discovering our calling is deeply rooted and unique to each of us. It is a journey of self-discovery, peeling away layers of conditioning and societal expectations to reveal the core of our authentic selves. 

So, how do we find our calling?

One of the first steps to finding our calling is to cultivate self-awareness. We have to take the time to reflect on our passions, values, and strengths. There is a reason why we are drawn to specific interests, hobbies, causes, and positions, while others are not. Pay attention to the activities that inspire the most joy and fulfillment and the causes that ignite the fire within. We can uncover clues related to our true purpose by tuning into our innermost desires and inclinations.

If we wish to uncover our calling, self-awareness alone is not going to be enough. We must also be willing to listen to the whispers of our intuition and the signs and synchronicities that arise. We must be willing to quiet the noise and go within, continuing to tune into our inner voice. Meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature are effective practices that enable us to connect with our intuition and inner guidance.

Our calling may not be a single, static destination; it is often a journey of evolution and growth. As we continue to explore and expand our horizons, our callings may continue to evolve (and, yes, there may be more than one). If we embrace the fluidity and initial uncertainty, we can find the freedom to explore new paths and possibilities. 

Exploring our callings is not always smooth or linear. There are often obstacles and setbacks along the way. Rather than seeing these challenges as roadblocks, we can view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Every setback is an opportunity for us to course-correct, refine our vision, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and our purpose.

We must seek support, guidance, and feedback along the way. Surrounding ourselves with mentors, friends, and people who can offer encouragement, wisdom, and different perspectives can be very helpful in expediting the process.

Finding our calling is about aligning our lives with our highest truth and purpose. It is about stepping into the fullest expression of who we are and sharing our unique gifts with the world. Our calling is not just about what we do, it is about who we are—it is the embodiment of qualities such as love, compassion, and authenticity in everything that we do.

Success or sabotage? Trust in the wisdom of your inner voice and listen to your intuition. The universe is always conspiring in your favor.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Remember, the destination is not as important as the journey itself, so enjoy all that this day has to offer.