Ask Mark Ward

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Advocate for Possibilities.

There are moments when we find ourselves at a crossroads. Are we going to continue to defend our limitations or advocate for our possibilities? The choices that we make in that moment will shape the actions that we take or do not take and our perceptions of what we can and cannot achieve. It is at the root of our beliefs: it is either a belief that will propel us toward greatness or confine us within the walls of our doubts and fears.

Defending our limitations is comfortable for most of us. It is a safe space where our excuses, self-doubt, and fear take root and multiply. When we continue to fixate on our past failures, our lack of resources, and our perceived shortcomings as evidence, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The barriers that we have constructed in our minds become insurmountable obstacles to our reality. It may not be a conscious action, but we are always going to find evidence to support our beliefs. 

In contrast, when we develop an alternate mindset that is rooted in courage, resilience, and unwavering self-belief, we advocate for possibilities. We refuse to be defined by our past or constrained by our circumstances. We focus on what we can achieve, seeing challenges as opportunities and setbacks as teachable moments. Every dream becomes a potential to be waiting to be realized.

Central to our choice is our belief (or lack thereof) in ourselves. It is not simply a fleeting confidence or a temporary boost of self-esteem. It is a deep-seated conviction that we are capable of achieving greatness. It is an unshakable faith in our abilities, even when all of the odds seem to be against us.

Believing in ourselves above all else may sound egotistical, but it is not about arrogance or blind optimism. It is about our choice and ability to recognize our inherent worth, power, and potential as a human being. It is about awareness that we are far more talented and capable than we have acknowledged. When we believe in ourselves, we refuse to be defined by our circumstances or constrained by the expectations of other people. We chart our course and define success on our terms.

Belief in ourselves gives us the courage to take risks, the resilience to persevere in the face of adversity, and the determination to keep moving forward even when the path ahead is uncertain. It is what allows us to turn setbacks into opportunities and challenges into triumphs.

Believing in ourselves above all else empowers us to silence the voices of doubt, negativity, worry, and fear—both from ourselves and others. We learn to flex the muscles of faith, trust our instincts/intuition, and follow our own path despite the warnings of any naysayers that surround us. We recognize that our worth is not determined by external validation or approval but by our sense of self-worth and self-respect.

Success or sabotage? Our belief in ourselves is the driving force behind everything we do. Without this belief, even the best-laid plans and strategies will fail.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Will you advocate for your possibilities or defend your limitations? Unlimited possibilities await your decision.