Ask Mark Ward

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Invest for Returns.

It is amusing how "live for the moment" has been used as a criticism of those who don't seem to worry enough about their responsibilities. They are simply "too happy" and certainly should not be trusted!  The truth is that no one can live in anything but the moment. Try as you might, you are stuck in the eternity of now.  You may only be able to live in this moment, but you can invest your energy in any moment--past or future.  You may invest in regret, playing the ever-popular "would have/should have/could have game." You may invest in worry for the future, wondering which tragedy will strike you in the future. If you are going to invest, shouldn't you be mindful of the return?  If there is no return nor signs of any assets in the future, why are you investing there? 

Where are you investing your energy? Are you investing more in the past and the future ("the speculation game") or on NOW? How can you the allocation of your energy so that it is used more effectively?

Success or sabotage? The key to success is RIGHT HERE, in THIS MOMENT.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you focused on today, yesterday or tomorrow?