Ask Mark Ward

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Focus your Thoughts.

What is the focus of your thoughts? Are you thinking in terms of what you want or what you do not want? If you take the time to awaken to a level of heightened consciousness, you may find that a great deal of your time is spent in the hopes and dreams of what you do not want.

I do not want to be broke.

I do not want to be sick.

I do not want to be alone.

I do not want to be unhappy.

When you focus on that which you do not desire, you are actually energizing that possibility. If I suggested that you go into a room and repeat, "I do not want to be sick. I do not want to be sick. I do not want to be sick," how would you react? You may be hesitant because you know (at some level) that you might actually create illness or nausea in your body. If this is true for the negative, it is also true for the positive. Your attention provides energy which brings life to the condition or wishes that you are hoping to create.

Thoughts have power and precede every element of creation. There is nothing that exists that did not first exist in the realm of thought. Why not use this truth to your advantage? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

What is your deepest wish at this moment? Focus on what you want, eliminating the chatter of impossibility, lack of probability and doubt. Allow yourself to indulge the fantasy. Do you feel the shift in your body? This is one of the first and most powerful steps in the creative process.

Success or sabotage? Success is not born; it is created.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What do you THINK?