Sit in Silence.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the momentum of existence, that we forget to live. While the voices in our heads compete for attention, we often forget the point of our activity. Why am I in this job? Why am I doing what I am doing? Why do I live here? Why am I with him/her? In this advanced age of technology, the invitation for quiet and introspection must be your own. You must value yourself above the desires of the world around you and prioritize. What is more important than you and your well-being? If you have less to give/contribute to the welfare of others, what is the point? You must fill yourself first, in order to truly serve others.
Take 30 minutes (yes...30! not 10, 15, or 20....thirty minutes!) to go within. Shut out outside influence; turn off the television/radio/music, silence your phone, and revel in the silence. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first. You may be tempted to take a nap or to surrender in frustration. Be still. Don't try to control the rambling of your mind or make this into a spiritual experience. Just "be." Your only job is to sit quietly for 30 minutes and focus on your breathing--taking deep breaths and exhaling all stress/tension. Do not fall prey to the excuse of your ego which states that you don't have the time. You don't have the time NOT to meditate today. Meet peace where it lives and surrender your fear of the process.
Success or sabotage? Success is a discipline not easily mastered. Are you willing to do what it takes to succeed?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you willing to invest in the opportunity?