Ask Mark Ward

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Silence the Chatter.

We all have moments where our thoughts are consumed with past regrets or uneasy speculation about our future. In those moments, it often seems impossible to move beyond the negative commentary in our head. Unfortunately, remaining stuck in this paradigm will prevent us from living in the present moment. If we are expending all of our attention on a preoccupation with the past or the future, we will not have the energy to perform effectively in the present.

One way to silence the negative chatter is to remember the truth of our history. The obstacles that we face today are no greater than the ones that we have already conquered. All of the gifts, skills and genius that we utilized in the past to overcome those challenges are still present; if anything, we have become stronger and more skillful because we have flexed the muscles in our previous "workout." We simply forgot that we are actually a hero in our own story.

Take some time today to remember one of the greatest obstacles of your past. What challenges did you face? How did you overcome the obstacles? Apply the skills that you used to overcome your obstacles of the past to the ones that you face today. How can you use these gifts/skills to be even more effective?

Success or sabotage? Are you able to acknowledge and take note of the power of adversity in your life?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Remember who you are as defined by your successes. How could this day be anything but incredible?