Ask Mark Ward

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Accept your Birthright.

There are moments in your life when you must choose between societal "facts" and the truth. You will often find that, when you are ready to speak the truth of your dream, many will present you with the "facts" for why you are making a huge mistake. Often, intuition seems to contradict the facts as we know them; we must learn to trust the instinct behind our choices and live as the exception rather than the rule. 

The rich truths of spiritual law are not in the facts but in the stories surrounding them. If you are focusing on the facts, you might be missing the moral of your own story. God truly is present in the details! Examine your own life today. Are you allowing the facts to inhibit you from seeing the truth? Are you allowing the limitations (tribal logic) of society to encourage you to live below your potential? If so, who and what are you serving? Some profess that the greatest of all sins is denying your gifts and talents from yourself and the world.

Success or sabotage? Success is born and achieved in the heart; don't allow the collective consciousness to convince you to play small in a world that is comforted by the illusion of limitation. You are a child of God. If you are not living like it, you are denying your birthright--unlimited power and potential.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Step fearlessly into a day that, in some way, was designed just for you.