Ask Mark Ward

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Shift your Perspective.

Too often we are so fixated on the things that are not going right in our lives that we are blind to all of the good that surrounds us. It's like wearing a pair of tunnel vision glasses, only able to see the negatives while everything else fades into the background.

But here's the truth: if you want more goodness in your life, you need to start paying attention to it. Just like a plant needs sunlight and water to grow, positive experiences and blessings need acknowledgment and gratitude. When we constantly focus on what is NOT, we end up attracting more of it because our energy is aligned with lack and scarcity.

Instead of dwelling on what didn't go according to plan or what is lacking in your life, shift your perspective towards the abundance that already exists. Take notice of those small moments that bring a smile to your face –the warmth of a cup of coffee in the morning, a kind gesture from a stranger, or even just an unexpected compliment. By giving attention and appreciation to these little things, you'll open yourself up to receive even more positive vibrations and opportunities for growth.

Success or sabotage? What you focus on expands. If you're always looking for problems or deficiencies, that's exactly what you'll receive more of. But if you choose to see beauty and joy in every situation, even amidst challenges, you'll discover new possibilities and attract more goodness into your life than ever before.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Every day is ripe with possibility and potential. Look for the good and you will definitely find it.