Ask Mark Ward

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Push beyond Fear.

Procrastination and fear often go hand in hand. Whether it's writing that paper, starting a new project, or applying for a job - procrastination can be triggered by fear of the unknown. Fear makes us hesitate and feel overwhelmed, so instead of tackling the task at hand we turn our attention elsewhere, to activities like scrolling through social media or watching Netflix.

Fear is a natural instinct – it keeps us safe from harm and helps us survive in dangerous situations. But when it comes to everyday tasks like studying for an exam or organizing your desk, fear can cause us to become paralyzed with stress and indecision. To combat this tendency, try breaking down your tasks into smaller parts so they seem less intimidating. Make a list, prioritizing your tasks. Begin with those things that must be accomplished today, followed by those things that would be nice to accomplish (“stretch goals”). Start with the task on your list that elicits the most resistance. Getting that out of the way will energize you, giving your momentum to complete the rest.

Remind yourself that you are capable and don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed – most people have been in the same boat before! Also, remember that feelings and truth are not one and the same. Feeling overwhelmed, for example, does not actually mean that you are overwhelmed or incapable. It is simply a perception that requires closer examination. Making and prioritizing a list usually helps you discern the truth from the assumption.

Success or sabotage? Procrastination is the greatest weapon in the arsenal of fear and self-sabotage. Push beyond the fear. The only possibility for success exists today; tomorrow is just a dream. Today is a reality.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Take the action that will create the motivation to make it so!