Ask Mark Ward

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Broaden your Perspective.

Every experience matters because it is seasoned with opportunities for you. You draw into your life,  experiences that are aligned in some capacity with that which you desire or that which is necessary to fully explore your calling. Everything that happens to you, happens for you, if you allow it.  

It is easy for us to disregard this connection because we are so often unconscious of that which we are requesting. The person who is miserable in their job may find themselves suddenly laid off. The person who has decided that they have been victimized by others taking advantage of them will find themselves in a relationship with one that does not respect boundaries. The person who fears change will be transferred to another country. Your life will always rise up to meet you.

The difficulty lies not in the circumstance, but our response to it. When things do not go according to your plan (the way that WE believe that they should), we have a tendency to conclude that there are opposing forces attempting to take us down. The opposite is actually true. You have been awarded an opportunity to grow in alignment with your true desire or calling.

The merit of this philosophy is evident when you review your life. Consider two of the greatest challenges of your past. How did they ultimately serve you? How have these experiences actually been a gift in disguise?

Success or sabotage? Success is accelerated when you broaden your perspective of the journey and realize that all roads will get you there eventually..

Is this going to be an incredible day? Yes, all of the ingredients required are necessary. Mix it up!