Ask Mark Ward

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Awaken your Passion.

It is time to check-in with yourself. Are you living or existing? Sometimes, in the midst of our busy lives, we forgot why we are doing what we are doing. The "how" becomes the "what," the dream that we once held close to our heart has faded and we are unconsciously going through the motions. If you are guilty of functioning in this capacity, consider this your invitation. Before you decide to put it off for yet another day, remember: this day is a gift that is never coming again. And, our presence here (today) is the only thing for which we have certainty.

Take a look at your life. Are you happy? Is your life all that you would like it to be? Do you use your responsibilities/obligations to detour/inhibit/repress your pursuit of passion? If you are like most of us, you have probably succumbed to a life of routine over adventure. Naturally, you cannot ignore that which you must do to maintain your life/position, but what is the point of it all if it is void of passion, excitement, and adventure? I think that it is safe to say that we work to live, rather than live to work. Sometimes we need to be reminded about why we are doing what we are doing.

Awaken to the passion that has been in remission. Remember what it is to feel alive again. Do you have a "bucket list" (a list of things that you would like to do while you are still on this planet)? If you do not have one, make one now. Get out some paper and allow yourself to indulge. What are those things big and small that would bring some spice to your otherwise routine life? What are you willing to do to bring some of these aspirations on your list to fruition?

Success or sabotage? Life evolves. You have changed over the years. Your dreams, needs, desires and the world in which you live have changed as well. The greatest achievers continue to revisit, reassess and modify their personal and professional goals.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What would make it incredible for you? What are you willing to do RIGHT NOW to make it so?