Ask Mark Ward

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Know your Story.

There is no enemy greater than one's self. We are all living a story. It's structure is comprised of our values, life experiences and beliefs. If the story is unexamined, it becomes the filter through which we view the world.

Your mind is the canvas on which your reality is created. Before you can successfully create the life that you want, you must first be clear about the reality that you have already created.

What is the story that you are living? What has the story been? What is your story today? What would you like your story to be in the future? If you were to summarize your life as the plot summary on the back of a best-seller, what would it say? Given the information that you have received at this point in the story, how will it end? 

Success or sabotage? You are the author and co-creator of your life. Is this story one of victory or defeat?

Is this going to be an incredible day? How will you write it for yourself?