Focus on Now.
Open your eyes to all that surrounds you. Avoid the temptation to relive the past or anticipate the future. What are the gifts and opportunities for today? In order to create greater success and joy in your life, you must be willing to discipline yourself to live in the moment. If your attention is backward or forward, how will you be mindful of opportunity when it is standing at your door?
Regret is of no value unless your intention is to support an old, ineffective story. Take your lessons of yesterday and translate them into an action plan for success. Consider the past two weeks. If you were to summarize this period of your life as a lesson, how would you describe it? How can you use these experiences to live more effectively TODAY? At the end of today, how will you evaluate your success? If you have not considered the answers to these questions, you are not living in your full power and are standing in opposition to your full potential.
Success or sabotage? Success and joy are easily lost in a sea of regret and anticipation; focus on the power of now and relish in every moment. If you are not going to live for today, what is the point?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you able to focus on the uniqueness of today, knowing that this day will never come again, knowing that you have the privilege to create and experience it?