Ask Mark Ward

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Examine your Lens.

The lens through which you see the world will dictate your experience. It will influence your interpretation of the present and become the blueprint for your future. Take a moment to think about those things that really get under your skin. What really bugs you? What is it about these things that irritate or upset you? You may find yourself validating your answer by defending your feelings rather than really looking at the source. 

Do you find yourself in the line at the grocery store believing that you always choose “the slow line?" Do you think that "luck" is only experienced by others? Notice how much of your view of the world is validated by your experience. Is your interpretation a result of your experiences or is your experience a result of your expectations?

Success or sabotage? Do you expect success and await its arrival or do you conclude that it only happens for others?

Is this going to be an incredible day? What is your view of the possibility of today?