Ask Mark Ward

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Create some Motivation.

Procrastination is the greatest weapon in the arsenal of fear and self-sabotage. Fear is a member of your team that attempts to manage your safety by keeping you nestled in your comfort zone. It is very dedicated to its responsibilities and it will stop at nothing to prevent you from making "mistakes" that might jeopardize your historical sense of security. It will utilize logic and evidence from your past in an attempt to convince you to stop taking risks.

What are you putting off until tomorrow or later in the week? What is it that you have decided that you will do when "everything is in place"? Do you find that the illusion of perfectionism invites you to procrastinate? Many wait for the motivation or "right timing" to do what it is that they need to do. The motivation will come from the momentum that is created when you take action. Do not fool yourself into believing that one precedes the other.

Success or sabotage? The only possibility for success exists today; tomorrow is just a dream. Today is a reality.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Take the action that will create the motivation to make it so!