Shift your Focus.
Life's challenges can seem unrelenting. At times, it feels as if the challenges are nonstop and never-ending. It is easy to agree that the experience of your life is defined more by your response to challenges than the challenges themselves, but what do you do to manage yourself when you're in the midst of the madness?
Shift your focus from the problem to that which is good, effective and working. Direct your faith to the outcome that you desire. Decide that (no matter how uncomfortable) everything is happening exactly as it should to bring you that which you desire, realizing that it may not happen on your timetable or emerge in the time/place that you expect. Remember, we all HAVE faith. It is a question of whether our faith is directed to our impending doom (waiting for the next shoe to drop) or our eventual victory.
Reframe your experience and the way that you share your story. You don't need to deny the truth of your present experience, but you do need to be disciplined in where you direct it. What you speak, you order into your existence, whether it is good or bad; so, you need to be mindful of your words. "I am so sick of being unemployed. I am never going to find a job." vs. "I am unemployed and feel like I am never going to find a job AND I AM CHOOSING TO BELIEVE that the perfect position for me is on the horizon, ready and waiting for me to show up. I am looking forward to returning to the workforce, in a job where I am valued, respected, paid well for my gifts and talents."
Again, it is not about the problems, it is about how you respond to them. The spirit of your response affects your mood, energy, thinking and your ability to solve problems, identify opportunities and invite more abundance into your life. One will deplete your energy; the other will fuel your optimism and increase your capacity for moving effectively forward.
Success or sabotage? Success demands discipline. Are you willing to do all that it takes to create the space for more success in your life?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you directing your time, energy and attention to all that is good or are you allowing the burden of current challenges to steal your focus?