Expect greater Success.
One of the common responses that we often provide to those in the midst of difficult times is the suggestion that they "have faith." I'm not going to lie, I have most likely been guilty of this transgression myself. It has become almost as rote as saying "fine" when asked how we are doing. We want to say something to be of comfort. We want to encourage that person to believe that things will probably get better (hang on!). The intent is good, but the message is flawed.
Faith is not something that we have to "get." It is something that we always have. We either trust that things are going to get better or believe that things are going to get worse. It is one or the other. That is FAITH. So, the issue is not HAVING faith; the challenge lies in where the faith is being DIRECTED. The question is: are you expecting greater success or impending failure? Direct your faith (you are doing it already); Be conscious of where you are directing it. Realize that you are energizing that which you believe. Faith, when directed, meets expectations and ultimately results in your experience. Direct your faith in that which you want rather than that which you most fear.
Success or sabotage? Success must be envisioned as a possibility before it can become a probability.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you expecting a specific kind of day or are you simply allowing the day to inform your experience?