Ask Mark Ward

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Embrace the Polarity.

As much as we may yearn for a life absent of challenges, we would soon become weary of a life void of growth. If you take a moment to look back on your life, you will see that it is the most challenging circumstances that bring forth the greatest gifts (often, very cleverly disguised!). The divine paradox of the universe is the necessity of polarity. There must be cold for there to be hot. There must be dark for there to be light. There must be discontent for there to be joy. There must be man for there to be God.  It is only by the experience of the "not" that we may experience what "is": otherwise, how is it defined?

What have been the most difficult challenges of the week thus far? What are the possible gifts in the challenges?

Success or sabotage? One cannot exist without the other; awareness of one is a clear path to the other.

 Is this going to be an incredible day? If you are able to see the gift and opportunity in every moment, you cannot help but have the most incredible of days.