Fuel your Receptivity.
One of the greatest obstacles to success that we create is our incessant fixation on the absence of that which we want (instead of focusing on how wonderful it will be when we have received it). When we want more money, for example, we often become consumed with NOT having it in our possession and how stressful it is to be poor. We worry. We rehearse for what we do not want to happen; as a result, we impede the creative flow, impair our sight of any available opportunities and energize negative possibilities. By allowing fear to sit in the driver’s seat, we guarantee our potential for lack, limitation, and poverty.
Too many fail to realize the power of their emotion. If we want to begin to effectively shift our focus to fuel our receptivity, we must spend time feeling the emotion that we associate with having fulfilled our desires. How will it feel to have that money? Envision its presence. See the balance on the bank statement. Notice that the credit card statements are all stamped with “PAID IN FULL.” Feel the joy that erupts from the sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, and achievement that results from its arrival.
If we wish to succeed at a higher level (however we are defining that for ourselves), we must be focused, disciplined, and ready to receive.
Write down that which you wish to bring to fruition. In great detail, write the positive emotions that you associate with bringing this dream to fruition. Express how your life has changed as a result. Be descriptive and write in the present tense (as if it has already happened and you are expressing your joy to another). Read this three times a day (morning, afternoon, and just before bed) for 30 days. While doing so, be certain to feel the emotions of having achieved this dream. Allow them to wash over you. Before completing this exercise, note one thing that you can/will do today to bring that wish closer to reality (knowing that it is already on the way).
Success or sabotage? One of the things that often separates those who have from those who do not is belief, certainty, and focus. When we know what we want and know that it is on the way, nothing will stand in the way of its arrival.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you willing to take the steps necessary to allow the day to shower you with the gifts that you so richly deserve?