Ask Mark Ward

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Sustain your Appreciation.

Our experience of life enables us to define, clarify and create what we want (often through the gift of the experience of what we do NOT want). We are awarded the opportunity to ask for what desire, but too often we are focused on the current absence of that desire (and the feelings that accompany it); as a result, we experience more of the same. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. That which we fear, we continue to create.

The power lies in our ability to move beyond our current circumstances and into the experience of already having that which we truly desire. It seems counter-intuitive since (in our minds) we know that the exuberance that accompanies the fulfillment of our desires will be naturally produced once we have them. When our dreams are truly realized, THEN we will feel good. The challenge is that the focus on not having it (the waiting for it to come to fruition) is actually the very thing that will keep it at bay.

Once we have determined that which we want to create, we must begin to discipline ourselves to move beyond simply focusing on the actions that we plan to take to bring it into our existence. We must also focus daily (and often) on the feeling of actually having it. How will it feel when we have it? Feel the appreciation. Indulge it. Allow it to bubble up in the body. Notice how additional thoughts/feelings of appreciation follow. As we continue the practice of feeling good about the manifestation of our dream, the volume of creative thinking, opportunities, and inspirations increases. We become magnets, ensuring that that we will receive all that we need to fulfill our dreams.

Success or sabotage? That which is likened to itself is drawn. If we truly embody the success that we desire, more of it will actually follow.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Find your appreciation for the day that stands before you. Feel it. Indulge it. Appreciate the gifts that present themselves along the way.