Ask Mark Ward

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Notice the Dialogue.

We exert an amazing amount of energy in our lives attempting to “right” the “wrongs” in our existence. Sometimes our preoccupation with the battle is so blinding that we lose sight of the truth. It is much easier for many of us to deal with conflicts by placing the responsibility on other people and uncomfortable circumstances (rather than taking responsibility for our own behavior).

This week, take some time to notice how often the dialogue in your head is focused on what is wrong, flawed or incomplete with the people and circumstances that you encounter. Don’t judge yourself for it; simply notice it. If you are like most people, the thoughts will show up more times than you can count in a single day. When you catch these thoughts flooding your consciousness, examine the purpose. Are these thoughts really serving you? Are they aligned with your intentions? If not, what might you do to make an effective shift?

Consider a small exercise in discipline. When you notice the inner-voice of sarcasm directed at those around you, pause. Consider all that is right, effective, positive and endearing about this person. If you are experiencing conflict, what will you do to manage yourself more effectively so that everyone feels heard and valued? Who are you within the context of the situation? Who do you WANT to be? Notice how applying this consciousness to your interactions effectively minimizes your stress levels.

Success or sabotage? If you believe that sabotage is always in the hands of another, you have surrendered your power for the convenience of victimization.

Is this going to be an incredible day? See the beauty in yourself and others; notice how it is reflected in this day.